On Sunday 26 September, 19 supporters took on this year’s Surrey Hills Challenge.
Transform is thrilled to have been shortlisted for the Best Supported Housing Landlord category in the UK Housing Awards.
Transform has appointed property development expert Natalia Kolotneva as a new trustee on its board.
Ms Kolotneva said that as a former Surrey resident and University of Surrey alumna, she was delighted to have joined Transform as a trustee.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, it became increasing apparent that clients living in shared accommodation were struggling to access Universal Credit and other online-only support groups.
On Saturday 10 July, Transform supporters slept outside in their gardens, back yards or balconies to raise both awareness of homelessness and vital funds to help prevent it.
Transform has delivered five one-bedroom flats under the Government’s Next Steps Rough Sleeper initiative, alongside partners
Last year, the government published its Social Housing White Paper in which it asked the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) to change the way it
Transform has supported more than 1,500 vulnerable and homeless people throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, working with multiple partners to ensure our services reflect the needs of the community.
A number of homeless individuals in Elmbridge will be soon be moving into fully furnished flats thanks to a £4,800 donation made by the B&Q Foundation to Transform Housing & Support. We support more than 1,700 people each year in Surrey and surrounding areas.
During what has been a challenging year, Transform has been overwhelmed by the generous and continued support received from donors, supporters, and volunteers.