The people we support are some of the most vulnerable in our society
We provide housing and related support services to clients to empower them to manage the issues they are facing, gain new skills, and increase their confidence. We provide our services in a trauma-informed way and tailor this to each individual person’s needs. We do this to enable them to improve their lives and live more independently.

The services we provide
Supported housing
Provision in shared housing and single flats – we provide specialist housing and support services for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming so. We provide accommodation for 800 people across Surrey, the London Borough of Sutton, and parts of Berkshire and West Sussex. We offer people a safe place to live, where they can gain stability.
Every client has their own keyworker, who provides one-to-one support to address the issues the person is facing. Keyworker and client work together to agree a support plan. All of our housing services are designed to enable people to develop the skills and confidence to live more independently.
Housing-related support
Our housing-related support services assist people in their own homes who are experiencing issues with their housing. People may be finding it difficult to maintain living in their own homes or require extra support to be able to live independently.
Temporary accommodation
We work with local councils to provide temporary accommodation for homeless people and families.
These projects offer a home for local people who find themselves homeless. Clients are referred by the council and must have a connection to the local area to be eligible for housing.
Other types of service
Transform colleagues provide support so clients can settle into their home and deal with any housing issues such as repairs, rent payments, and health and safety. They assist people to move to more permanent accommodation when they are ready.
- Floating support services
- Higher support need services for more complex needs with 24/7 staff
- Sheltered housing for older people
- Housing management only service
How we provide our services
We deliver these in a range of settings and working in partnership with a number of local authorities and local agencies.
Accommodation type
- Hostels
- Shared houses
- Self-contained flats
Support level
- 24-hour staff cover
- High support
- Low support
Length of stay
- Short-term – up to two years
- Long-term – over two years
The people we support
Young people (16+), including looked after children and care leavers
People with mental health issues
Single homeless people including those presenting with multiple and complex needs
People in need of housing related support
People in recovery from substance misuse
People with a history of offending
People with learning disabilities
Where do we operate?
To find out more about what we offer in each location, check out our local offices: